Technical Testing
FFE Technical Testing
Throughout each season, FFE coaches lead players through a series of Technical Testing nights designed to provide data driven reporting mechanisms to aid player development for players within our weekly training programmes.
Our technical test’s have been carefully designed to ensure that players across our multitude of programmes, regardless of age can easily and simply take part in order to evaluate their performance. All tests are designed and delivered in the same way for each age group to ensure comparative data is a close to a fair reflection as possible.
Players are all given multiple attempts at each test, with their highest score recorded as their end result.
Why do we do it?
Technical testing nights allow the players the opportunity to take part in a series of tests where their core technical skills and techniques are challenged. Through these tests we are able to establish a factual performance based data report for each inpidual player, which in turn can then be compared to their peers both within their existing group, but also within other FFE groups.
With these technical testing data reports, FFE provide an accurate assessment of the existing position of the player within the technical boundaries tested. In combination with the coach feedback function on the FFE HUB, players receive not only a real-time assessment of technical performance, but also regular observational based feedback from their group coach.
The combination of both these reporting mechanisms is something usually reserved for players involved in professional football clubs, and we are delighted to be at the forefront of providing this on a regular basis to our players.
What are the tests?
Passing (PAS):
A ten football passing challenge, five with right foot and five with the left. Players are challenged to make 10 accurate passes through a target gate, 5 using their right foot and 5 using their left. The distance to the target goal changes to ensure competition.
Dribbling (DRI):
The dribbling challenge is designed to test close control of the ball in a timed environment. Three cones are set-up and players are asked to dribbling in a figure of 8 pattern as many times as they can in a 30 second time period. A point is awarded for each cone you pass successfully without touching it with the ball.
Control (CNT):
To test each players control of the ball and their bodies in tandem, we use a simple ball juggling challenge. Players are put in a 5x5 box with a ball and challenged to do as many keep ups as they can in thirty seconds. Firstly with their right foot, then left and finally with either. Their score is the total number completed across all three rounds.
Shooting (SHO):
A ten football shooting challenge, five with right foot & five with the left. Players are given thirty seconds to get as many shots in as they can, with points awarded for where in the goal they score.
Turning (TUR):
Players are placed at the start of a 5 x 5 tunnel and given thirty seconds to travel from one end to the other, completing a turn at each end. Points are awarded for each turn completed in the give time frame.
How often do we do it?
Players are tested three times per season, to enable them to assess performance and address areas for improvement.
Observational coach reports happen minimum once per month for each player.
How does it benefit players?
It is the belief of FFE that providing players and parents with both data driven analysis and observational feedback, will better serve for long term player development.
The technical testing data when compared with peers allows players, parents and coaches to work together to identify areas for improvement along with setting smart targets and goals for further development in line with ability and age group average / highest scores.
The observational coach feedback is given on a monthly basis, with things such as performance, attitude, application and willingness to improve discussed with players and parents. The purpose of which is to ensure parents are kept up to date with player progress throughout the season.
Where can I find the data?
Once coaches have completed the tests and submitted the data you will get a notification and email from the hub. Your childs scores can then be viewed from the players profile on the Hub.