Our Programmes

Our Policies

Our Policies

This page gives outline information on a variety of Future Football Elite policies, should you require more in depth policy information please contact us. Learn more about our policies below:

All Player Policies

We look forward to celebrating and/or publicising footballing successes by photographing and videoing our players across our delivery experiences.

By registering and signing up to a Future Football Elite course you are confirming you have read our policies and terms and conditions are granting permission for your son/daughter to be photographed/videoed for use across our social media platforms and website.

Should you wish to not grant this permission please communicate this with us prior to your son/daughter commencing attendance.

At Future Football Elite we have a responsibility to put in place arrangements to ensure that any official or professional photographer can identify (or be informed about) which children should not be subject to close-up photography or filming.

Written by: Grace Goffin 
Date Written: April 2024
Review Date: April 2025

As a player for Future Football Elite you have a responsibility to promote high standards. Therefore each player will be expected to understand and commit to maintain the below code of conduct:

You will:
-  Respect team mates, coaches, opponents, referee’s, match day staff and spectators.

-  Respect the equipment and facilities that I am using at all times.

-  Adhere to the rules set out for each competition I am performing in.

-  Control my temper including aggression and language.

-  Play to the best of my ability.

-  Work hard to achieve my dreams and goals.

-  Talk to the welfare officer if I have any issues.

-  Win and lose with dignity and shake hands with opponents.

-  Show respect to officials at all times and shake hands with them before and after the fixture.

If you do not follow the code of conduct set out the following actions may be taken:

- Receive a verbal/written warning.

- Be suspended from training and future games and your parents will be contacted.

- Exclusion from attending any future FFE events

Written by: Grace Goffin 
Date Written: September 2021
Review Date: September 2022


If you cancel your booking for any reason, all or part of your payment will be forfeited to cover our costs:

* More then 28 days before the event : loss of 50% of full fee
* Less than 28 days before (or once course has started) : loss of 100% of full course fee

We pay no compensation or refunds if we cancel or change a course because of war, strikes, technical problems with transportation, weather or any other event outside the control of the company – In this unfortunate event an alternative date will be scheduled

Written by: Grace Goffin 
Date Written: April 2024
Review Date: April 2025

If you are more than 5 minutes late collecting your child and we have not heard from you, we will try and make contact with you using the contact numbers provided on your child record form.

If we cannot contact you we will attempt to contact the emergency contact numbers you have provided us with. 

If after 30 minutes we are still unable to make contact with you or anyone from your emergency contact list, or suitable collection arrangements have not been made, we will inform the Children’s Advice and Duty Service (CADS) of the situation on 0344 800 8021 and follow their advice. 

Written by: Grace Goffin 
Date Written: April 2024
Review Date: April 2025

Below are the key points to FFE's Safeguarding policy, along with contact information should you need it.

Should you require a copy of our full policy, please contact our lead safeguarding officer using the contact details at the bottom of this policy.

Every child or young person, defined as any person under the age of 18, who plays or participates in football should be able to take part in an enjoyable and safe environment and be protected from abuse.

This is the responsibility of everyone involved in football. Football recognises its responsibility to safeguard the welfare of all children and young people by seeking to protect them from physical, sexual or emotional harm and from neglect or bullying.

Future Football Elite is therefore committed to working to provide a safe environment for all children and young people to participate in the sport to the best of their abilities.

Key principles
• The child’s welfare is, and must always be, the paramount consideration
• All children and young people have a right to be protected from abuse regardless of their age, gender, disability, culture, language, racial origin, religious beliefs or sexual orientation
• All suspicions and allegations of abuse will be taken seriously and responded to swiftly and appropriately

Roles and responsibilities and reporting concerns.
Our Lead Safeguarding Officer will liaise with Children’s Services and other agencies where necessary, and make referrals. Any against the Designated Safeguarding Officer will be made direct to the Lead Safeguarding officer and any referrals against the Lead Safeguarding officer are to be made direct to the assistant Safeguarding Officer. The Lead Safeguarding Officer will ensure that our safeguarding policy is in place and will ensure that safer recruitment practices are followed and will also continue to review current practices;Reviewing current practices;Promoting safeguarding awareness and training;Promoting a culture of listening to children;Ensuring compliance with safer recruitment practices, including DBS checks at every level of the game. 

Lead safeguarding officer - Grace Goffin 
Contact: admin@futurefootballelite.com

Other Safeguarding contacts: 
The Police: 999
Childline (for children & young people): 0800 1111 
NSPCC Helplines www.nspcc.org.uk / 0808 800 5000 
Local Authority Designated Officers (LADO) 01603 223473 
Safer Programme 01603 228966
Norfolk Safeguarding Children Panel (NSCP) www.norfolklscb.org  
Children’s Services 24 hours 0344 800 8020  
The FA: safeguarding@thefa.com
NorfolkFA: safeguarding@norfolkfa.com     
Written by: Grace Goffin 
Date Written: April 2024
Review Date: April 2025

We are committed to providing a caring, friendly and safe environment for all of our members so they can participate in football in a relaxed and secure atmosphere.

Bullying of any kind is unacceptable at any Future Football Elite programme. If bullying does occur, all club members or parents should be able to tell and know that incidents will be dealt with promptly and effectively.

We have a TELLING environment. This means anyone who knows that bullying is happening is expected to tell a member of FFE staff.

Written by: Grace Goffin 
Date Written: April 2024
Review Date: April 2025

FFE is committed to providing a safe environment for the participation of children and players, part of this is ensuring that children and players are not left alone before or after sessions/games.We ask that whatever your drop off or collection time, you are ready for when your child's FFE session starts or finishes. This means that both drop off and collection times run smoothly for players, parents/carers, and coaches alike. 

Pre-Session Drop Off
Children under the age of 12 CANNOT be dropped off at an FFE training session or game without a parent/carer being present at the exchange of player to coach for the start of the session.

Players will not be under the care of FFE unless the above is adhered to, and therefore takes no responsibility for accidents/injuries.Children 13 years and above require prior written consent to allow players to self-register at the start of a session. Until written permission is received players will not be allowed to begin training/games until a parent/carer has registered the child in person with the coach. 

Post Session Collection
At the end of all training / games, FFE staff will retain ALL children under their care until they can visually re-unite them with one of their authorised collectors. This is to ensure that each child returns home safely.

Should someone different from normal be collecting your child, please inform us before the session starts.

FFE reserves the right to refuse player hand over at the end of a session if it is not clear that the person attempting to collect is authorised. 

Written by: Grace Goffin 
Date Written: April 2024
Review Date: April 2025

There may be some circumstances such as staff illness, adverse weather conditions, facility closure etc. when Future football elite is forced to cancel their sessions or finish a session earlier than expected.

If this is the case we will contact you as soon as possible by email, social media pages and websites. We will also publish closure details, including when we estimate re-opening on our website and social media pages.

Written by: Grace Goffin 
Date Written: April 2024
Review Date: April 2025

Additional Academy & JPL Academy Policies

1. Respect and Inclusivity:
a. Treat all teammates, coaches, and staff with respect, regardless of their age, gender, race, religion, or sexual orientation.
b. Avoid any form of discrimination, bullying, or harassment within the changing room.
c. Use inclusive language and avoid derogatory remarks or offensive jokes.

2. Personal Hygiene:
a. We would advise
b. Use deodorant and clean clothing to ensure a pleasant environment for everyone.
c. Dispose of any personal waste appropriately and keep the changing room clean and tidy.

3. Privacy and Consent:
a. Respect each individual's privacy and personal space within the changing room.
b. Obtain consent before touching or using someone else's belongings.
c. Taking/sharing of photos or videos within changing rooms (without explicit written consent from Academy management) is strictly forbidden

4. Professionalism:
a. Arrive on time for training sessions or matches and be prepared to change promptly.
b. Focus on the task at hand and avoid distractions or disruptive behaviour.
c. Refrain from discussing sensitive or confidential team matters outside of the changing room.

5. Equipment and Property:
a. Treat all team equipment and property with care and respect.
b. Report any damages or issues with equipment to the appropriate team personnel.
c. Avoid taking or using someone else's belongings without permission.

6. Personal Belongings:
a. Keep personal belongings secure and avoid leaving valuables unattended.
b. Respect others' personal belongings and avoid touching or moving them without permission.
c. Report any lost or stolen items to the team management or appropriate authorities.

7. Communication and Conflict Resolution:
a. Communicate openly and respectfully with teammates, coaches, and staff.
b. Address any conflicts or issues in a calm and constructive manner.
c. Seek assistance from coaches or team management if conflicts cannot be resolved independently.

8. Compliance with Club Rules:
a. Adhere to all club rules and regulations set by the coaching staff and club management.
b. Follow any additional guidelines or policies specific to the changing room or club environment.

By following this behavioural policy, we aim to create a safe, respectful, and inclusive changing room environment for all FFE youth players. Any violations of this policy may result in disciplinary action, as determined by the Academy management.

Written by: Garth Good 
Date Written: April 2024
Review Date: April 2025

1. Authorisation for Training Programmes:
a. Only participation in Pro Club Training Programme will be authorised for all academy and Junior Premier League (JPL) players.
b. Playing within any other training programmes (outside of grass roots clubs) without prior approval from the Academy management is not acceptable.

2. Commitment to the Training Programme:
a. Academy and JPL players are expected to fully commit to the FFE Training Programme, which includes training sessions, matches, and any additional activities organised.
b. Players MUST prioritise their participation in the FFE Training Programme over any and all other external training programmes or clubs.

3. Development and Progression:
a. The FFE Training Programme is designed to provide players with the necessary coaching, guidance, and opportunities for development and progression.
b. By focusing solely on the FFE Training Programme, players can maximise their potential and enhance their chances of advancement within the programmes structure.

4. Approval for External Training:
a. If a player wishes to participate in an external training programme, they must seek prior approval from the academy management.
b. Approval will be granted on a case-by-case basis, considering factors such as the player's development needs, scheduling conflicts, and the compatibility of the external programme with FFE philosophy and objectives.

5. Communication and Compliance:
a. Players and their parents/guardians should communicate any requests or inquiries regarding external training programmes to the academy management.
b. Players are expected to comply with the decisions and guidelines set forth by the academy management regarding participation in external training programmes.

6. Consequences of Unauthorised Participation:
a. Participation in unauthorised external training programmes may result in disciplinary action, as determined by the academy management.
b. Disciplinary actions may include but are not limited to warnings, suspension from training or matches, or termination of the player's registration.

By implementing this policy, we aim to ensure that academy and JPL players fully commit to the FFE Training Programme, which is designed to provide them with the best possible development opportunities. Any requests for participation in external training programmes will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis, with the ultimate goal of aligning the player's development needs with FFE objectives.

Written by: Garth Good 
Date Written: April 2024
Review Date: April 2025

1. Reporting Injuries:
a. Players must report any injuries or physical discomfort to the coaching staff or Academy management as soon as possible.
b. In case of a serious injury during training or a match, players should seek immediate medical attention and inform the coaching staff or Academy management.

2. Medical Evaluation:
a. Players with injuries that require medical attention or evaluation should provide the coaching staff or Academy management with relevant medical documentation or reports.
b. The coaching staff or Academy management may request players to undergo a medical evaluation by a qualified healthcare professional to assess the severity of the injury and determine the appropriate course of action.

3. Rehabilitation and Recovery:
a. For players with injuries, the coaching staff or Academy management will discuss appropriate rehabilitation and recovery plans.
b. Players are expected to follow the prescribed rehabilitation programme.

4. Return to Training and Matches:
a. Players who miss any part of training or matches due to injury will be required to complete a full week of training sessions before being able to participate in matches.
b. The coaching staff and Academy management will work with the player and/or healthcare professional to determine a safe and gradual return to full participation.

5. Training Absences:
a. Players are expected to attend all scheduled training sessions unless they have a valid reason for absence, such as illness, injury, or personal circumstances.
b. Players or their parents/guardians should notify the coaching staff or Academy management in advance of any anticipated training absences.
c. Players or their parents/guardians are to adhere to our Pro Club Training Policy.

6. Communication and Documentation:
a. Players or their parents/guardians should provide the coaching staff or Academy management with any necessary documentation, such as medical certificates or notes, to support injury-related absences.
b. Open and timely communication between players, parents/guardians, coaching staff, and Academy management is essential to ensure proper management of injuries and training absences.

7. Player Welfare and Support:

a. The coaching staff and Academy management will provide necessary support and guidance to players during their injury recovery process.
b. Players and their parents/guardians are encouraged to communicate any concerns or questions regarding injuries or training absences to the coaching staff or Academy management.

By implementing this injury and training absence policy, we aim to prioritise the health and well-being of our youth players while ensuring proper management of injuries and absences. The coaching staff and Academy management will review each case individually and make decisions based on the best interest of the player.

Written by: Garth Good 
Date Written: April 2024
Review Date: April 2025

Health & Safety

In line with the Football Association, national government and the NSPCC ‘Keeping Children Safe in Sport’ policies, we have adopted an adverse weather policy at Future Football Elite. The policy is designed to ensure that all players, parents, carers, siblings and coaching staff remain safe at all times when attending Future Football Elite activities. The below sections of this policy outline the key adverse weather conditions where activities may be affected. 

Thunder & Lightning

Lightning presents a real risk of death or serious injury to outdoor sports participants.

Lightning does not need to directly strike a person to cause death or serious injury. A person touching, or close to, an object struck by lightning may be affected by a side-flash or transferred energy (for example, being within 20m of a tree struck by lightning is considered to be in the lethal zone).Participants must not let the desire to start or complete a match or training session hinder their judgment when the safety of players, coaches or spectators is at risk.

FFE will immediately stop all outside sessions in the event of hearing thunder or seeing lightening. Players and staff must immediately seek safety under appropriate shelter. Training and games may resume if:

1. The time between seeing a lightning flash and hearing thunder is more than 30 seconds. or2. At least 30 minutes has passed since the last thunder was heard. 

Warm Weather 

With higher temperatures now occurring more frequently, consideration must be given to the effects of heat and humidity on elite and amateur athletes and particularly children involved in football activities.

Recommended temperatures for cancellation of games & training and other events including trial games, holiday camps, parties or any physical activities:

ADULTS – Cancel or postpone events involving Adults at ambient temperatures of 37°C or above

CHILDREN – Cancel or postpone events involving Children at ambient temperatures of 32°C or above

Please Note: These are the maximum cancellation temperatures. Cancellation of games, training or events at lower temperatures may be necessary depending on factors such as: humidity; local conditions including radiant heat from synthetic surfaces and lack of ventilation at indoor venues and player well being. For the purpose of this policy a child is a person aged up to and including 16 years of age. Note that young children are especially at risk in the heat and should not be forced to continue playing or training if they appear distressed or complain about feeling unwell.

Cold Weather

With colder temperatures now occurring more frequently, consideration must be given to the effects of cold and freezing temperatures on elite and amateur athletes and particularly children involved in football activities.

Recommended temperatures for cancellation of games & training and other events including trial games, holiday camps, parties or any physical activities:

FFE will consider modifying / cancelling or postponing activities involving children where the temperature drops to 0°C or below.

Communication following a cancellation due to adverse weather

In adverse weather conditions FFE will communicate no later than one hour before the start of the session should there be the need to cancel / modify the activities due to the weather. We will NOT communicate if the session remains on.

In the situation where a session / fixture has begun and the weather changes during, the coaching team will seek appropriate shelter and attempt to communicate with parents. Should this not be possible, they will remain under shelter until parents/carers arrive at the end of the session to collect. 

Where sessions are cancelled due to circumstances beyond the control of FFE, which may include but are not limited to adverse weather conditions, facility closures etc. we are not duty bound to offer replacement sessions. We will however, where possible based on a number of factors (Facility availability, time, staff availability) try to offer replacement sessions or session credits.

Written by: Grace Goffin 
Written: April 2024
Review Date: April 2025

The safety of every child is paramount, we will take every measure we can to protect all children whilst they are in the care of Future Football Elite. However, as a parent you know that sometimes accidents do happen and we have written the following procedure to explain how we will deal with such a situation:

• We will comfort the child and reassure them were necessary
• A member of staff will carry out any first aid procedures that are necessary
• We will assess the extent of their injuries and if necessary seek further emergency medical treatment
• If serious we will contact you as soon as possible to inform you of the accident and if necessary to ask you to return to care for your child or meet us at the hospital

All other children within our care who were not involved in the accident / incident will be kept safe at all times, if necessary we will instigate emergency collection procedures for children who are not injured.

After every accident we will: Complete an accident report which will include full details of the accident. You will be informed of all actions taken and asked to confirm you are happy with this. You may request a copy of this form to be emailed to you. 

If for any reason we are required to restrain a child (e.g. to prevent them running away or from striking another child) or there is an incident between children, this would be written up on an incident form. We will share the information on  the form to ensure you are aware of what had happened, why and how this was dealt with. You may request a copy of the incident form to be emailed to you.

In the event of a serious accident or injury, as well as the above we will also:
• Inform Norfolk FA & The Football Association
• Inform our Insurance Company 
• Inform the health and safety executive

Written by: Grace Goffin 
Date Written: April 2024
Review Date: April 2025

We are committed to ensuring each member of our staff is qualified in emergency first aid training as set out in the Football Association’s coaching guidelines. 

All staff are under the direction to ensure the safety of all children and will therefore perform basic first aid, should it be required. In the instance where you wish for staff to not do this for your child, please let us know at the point of registration. 

First aid kits are present at all training and games sessions, should they be required.

In incidences where first aid treatment is required, staff will complete an accident/injury form, which will be stored securely. Parents/Carers will be informed of any treatment given.

If urgent medical attention is required, 999 will be dialled immediately and without hesitation. 
Written by: Grace Goffin 
Date Written: April 2024
Review Date: April 2025

Book Your Trial

Book a FREE trial session at FFE. During the trial our coaching team will assess your child’s ability which will then help us ascertain which programme would be the perfect fit.